This year marks the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s classic “Frankenstein,” a novel that its creator probably didn’t know would keep its grip on our imaginations for two centuries. To celebrate, the Library of Congress is hosting an all-day marathon reading of the novel in the Main Reading Room of the Thomas Jefferson Building. It’s… Continue reading »
Archives for Tell Me a Story
I, Reader
I read a lot of fantasy as a kid: the Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander, The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, the Earthsea trilogy by Ursula LeGuin, Anne McCaffery’s Pern books, lots of C.S. Lewis (even The Screwtape Letters, oddly enough) and Tolkien (everything except The Silmarillion, although I tried). I read A Wrinkle in… Continue reading »
Green Books Campaign: “Ranger in Danger: King Cobra’s Curse”
A note from the organizers:This review is part of the Green Books Campaign. Today 200 bloggers take a stand to support books printed in an eco-friendly manner by simultaneously publishing reviews of 200 books printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper. By turning a spotlight on books printed using eco-friendly paper, we hope to raise the… Continue reading »
A Story (by Lela)
My Mom says she sees candy I ran up Where where I askd over there says Mom the end (Editor’s note: This may be my 6-year-old’s first foray into fiction-writing.)